
49th Christmas-Open

The traditional chess tournament from 26th December till 30th December, in the hotel Crowne Plaza, Zürich

Mastertournament (>2000 Elo)

Main tournament (till 2050 Elo)



7 rounds swiss system

CH-, DWZ- und FIDE-rated (both tournaments)



Time limit:

Registration fees:

26th till 30th December 2025

Hotel „Crowne Plaza Zürich“, Badenerstrasse 420, 8040 Zürich

90 Min. for 40 moves + 30 min. rest + 30 sec. increment

Mastertournament: CHF 180.– incl. banquet, GM/IM no fee, Juniors U20 CHF 90.– without banquet

Main tournament: CHF 160.– incl. banquet, Juniors U20 CHF 80.– without banquet

Total prizes more than CHF 18’500.–

MT: CHF 3000, 2000, 1400, 1000, 700, 500… (10 prizes)

AT: CHF 1000, 800, 600, 500, 400, 300… (15 prizes)

Special prizes each CHF 200: MT und AT for best woman, best Senior over 60, junior under 20, junior under 16 and best player under 1800 and under 1600 Swiss Rating in the AT. Best Swiss player CHF 300.

The prices are shared according to the Hort-System. If there are to less players, the prices could be adjusted.




28.12., 20.00 h, application until 30 minutes before the beginning,

fee CHF 20.–, Juniors U20  CHF 10.–  1. prize CHF 300.–.